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Many people go to see a chiropractor for back pain, and while it can be a great tool to resolve pain, it also affects so much more! With the challenges that life brings, we can start to store and accumulate stress in our bodies. Chiropractic adjustments can help to integrate the stored stress and tension and restore balance in the nervous system so we can be more at ease in our bodies and resilient to the many changes that life brings us. Here we take our time and work with you in a way that is gentle and specific.  Often using the lightest amount of force can make the greatest change.


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During pregnancy, women’s bodies go through many amazing changes!  Some of these changes can cause significant stress on the mother’s body, especially in the low back and pelvis. 

When the mother’s pelvis is out of alignment, the ligaments that connect from the pelvis to the uterus increase their tension resulting in a distortion to the uterine space. This can cause discomfort for the mother and compromise the space for baby to move and grow. 

The Webster Technique is an analysis and series of gentle adjustments, which work to restore balance in the pelvis.  This helps to support clear communication in the nervous system, and create an environment that allows for optimal space, comfort and ease for mom and baby.

Chiropractic care and the Webster technique allow for safer, easier births!
Learn more about the Webster technique.


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In the first few years of life, children are rapidly growing and developing.  And with that, events happen that can put stress on a child’s body and nervous system, from birth, to the inevitable falls, bumps and bruises along the way. Chiropractic care for infants and children is a gentle and effective way of helping to optimize the communication between their brain and body as they’re developing, as well as support an adaptive and resilient nervous system so they can thrive at their optimum potential!

 Learn more about chiropractic for children.


“Nature needs no help, just no interference.”

— BJ Palmer

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